How to Make Soy Candles

Follow along to see how easy and fun it is to make your own soy candles. Soy candles make great gifts for friends and family but they're also great if you want to make extra cash or even a full time income. 

Step 1: Gather what you need: We provide everything you need to make the candles shown in the video above in our soy candle making kit
You will need:
Soy Wax
Candle Container
Pre tabbed wicks
Glue Stickers
Wick Center
Fragrance Oil
Pour Pitcher
Kitchen Scale
Heat Source (hot plate, double boiler, microwave, presto pot, wax melter)
Stirring Utensil

Step 2: 
Take your soy wax and measure out 1 lb with your kitchen scale. Place into your pour pitcher. Place on heat source and bring wax up to 185 F. 

Step 3: 
Once your soy wax has come up to 185 F, remove from your heat source and add your fragrance oil. Stir your wax and fragrance oil about 20-30 times and set to the side to cool.

Step 4: 
Prep your containers. Take your candle containers and your pre tabbed wicks. Take your glue stickers, remove the backings and place directly on the bottom of the tabs of the cotton wicks and place directly in the center of the candle containers. 

Step 5: 
Take your wick centers and place onto your wicks and secure with the notch so that they stay centered.

Step 6: 
Ensure that your wax has cooled to around 135-140 F, your soy wax should be slightly cloudy. The cooler you pour your soy wax, the nicer the top of your candle will be once it has completely cooled. Once cooled, stir a couple more times and then pour the wax right into your prepped candle containers.

Step 7:
That's it! Wait at least 24 hours for the candles to cool and set. Once cooled completely you can remove the wick center, cut your wicks, and label your candle for use!

Collection list

Candle Fragrance Oil
Fruit Rings Type Fragrance Oil

Candle Fragrance Oil

Candle Wax
golden brand wax soy wax

Candle Wax

Candle Wicks
candle wick cotton

Candle Wicks

Candle Containers
matte black candle jar

Candle Containers

Candle Making Kits
soy candle making kit

Candle Making Kits

Liquid Candle Dye
Liquid Candle Dye

Liquid Candle Dye

Candle Making Equipment
candle wick center bow tie clip

Candle Making Equipment

Candle Dye Blocks
candle dye block

Candle Dye Blocks

Candle Dye Chips
blue candle dye chilp

Candle Dye Chips

Candle Tins
candle tin 8 oz 16 oz

Candle Tins

Coconut Candle Wax
coconut apricot candle wax luxury wax

Coconut Candle Wax

Essential Oils
eucalyptus essential oil

Essential Oils

Melt and Pour Soap Bases
goat milk melt and pour base

Melt and Pour Soap Bases

Soap Fragrance Oil
lavender fragrance oil

Soap Fragrance Oil

Soap Making Kits
soap making kit lemon diy

Soap Making Kits

Soap Molds
6 cavity rectangle silicone mold

Soap Molds

Soap Making Equipment
candle making pitcher for pouring wax

Soap Making Equipment

Soap Additives and Botanicals
Dried Lavender

Soap Additives and Botanicals

clean cotton linen fragrance oil
