A deliciously mouth watering aroma of freshly baked lemon pound cake. A strong and fresh candle fragrance oil that resembles the wall of warm goodness that hits you when you walk into a bakery - yellow pound cake and a sweet gooey lemon glaze drizzled on top. Infused with essential oils including Lemon and Clove.
Top Note:Lemon Middle Note:Cream Base Note:Clove
Recommended Colors: Gold, Pale Yellow, Ivory Note:Bottles filled by weight, levels may vary.
Candle Usage: 3-10% Not Soap Safe Not Lotion Safe 190 F Flashpoint Phthalate Free 2.01%-5% Vanillin SDS IFRA
I've been using this as one of my main lemon fragrances for years and customers love it! Great hot and cold throw in Candles and melts.
LaWanna Gupton
Not very pleasant oob to me, but blended with black raspberry and vanilla, it smells ok, like fruity pebbles to me. Would like to blend it with lemon and see how that smells.